Dr. Wallach has dedicated his 50+ year career to answering one crucial question: How can we live younger, longer? Dr. Wallach’s pioneering work proves that nutrition and environmental changes have a profound effect on our overall well-being. He helped expand the definition of wellness while launching a movement that puts people on a holistic path to better health.
Sandy Elsberg has created a special video podcast featuring Dr. Wallach to help you achieve that mission. With episodes dedicated to answering your health concerns, a growing line of revolutionary products, a one-of-a-kind business opportunity, and the Be the Change Foundation, we believe your health and life can always be better.
Tune in and lock arms with Dr. Wallach, let him guide you to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Sandy Elsberg and Dr. Wallach are both best-selling authors who have inspired millions of people around the world. Don’t forget to check out our store and pick up your copies today!

Youngevity founder Dr. Wallach spent decades researching nutritional deficiencies in animals and humans. What he found was that good health can be found through nutritional supplementation using a specific blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids: 90 essential nutrients for life!
“By giving your body the proper raw materials everyday, you’ll be taking the necessary steps in living healthier and longer. Make the decision to take control of your personal health and longevity program, today.”
Dr. Wallach

Contact Sandy to learn more about Youngevity’s fantastic family of products, financial earning possibilities, or for a FREE PRIVATE CONSULTATION.
We’re different & proud of it!
Established 20 years ago, Youngevity’s core philosophies are based on the principles of co-founder, Dr. Joel Wallach, who has dedicated his 40-year career to answering one crucial question: How can we live younger, longer? Dr. Wallach’s pioneering work proves that nutrition and environmental changes have a profound effect on our overall well-being. He helped expand the definition of wellness, while launching a movement that puts people on a holistic path to better health.
Today, we continue to answer Dr. Wallach’s all-important question to achieve our mission. With a growing line of revolutionary products, a one-of-a-kind business opportunity and our Be the Change Foundation, we believe your health and life can always be better. But we don’t sit back and wait for things to change; we lock arms with our tight-knit community of inspiring friends and guide each other to fulfillment, in all areas of our lives. We hope you’ll join us.